Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nurse tote Going to Hawaii

I am so excited...I sold a Nurse tote bag that is going to Hawaii!!!!  I love Etsy.  It allows you to reach so many people that would never get to see your creations.  Thanks Etsy!!!

Working on Floors

We have been doing small things to the house until the weather breaks and spring gets here.  The first thing that has to change are the dirty old linoleum floors.  It is supposed to be an ivory background...and well...when we moved in they were brown.  LOTS of elbow grease and a good degreaser made a big difference.

We have floating laminate flooring to install...but we have to prepare the old floors.  I have used an oscillating saw to remove the areas of the flooring that are rolling up around the edges.  We are trying to decide rather to fill the gaps with rock hard putty or possibly a few pieces of the new flooring.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trying to Clean and Repair "New" Old House

Over Christmas my husband and I moved into my childhood home.  I have done this with mixed emotions.  The original parts of this house are over 100 years old.  My dad remodeled it in the 70's.  I lived with my dad in it from about age 12 until I got married (at stupid was that??).  Anyway, my first husband and I lived in another family home for the first year of our marriage...then we swapped with my dad and lived in my childhood home until 1994 when we built a new house.  My two daughters were "born" and raised in this house until they were 12 and 9 years old.

Several other families have lived in the old house over the years.  It carries a few scars and a whole lot of dirt.  I have been cleaning and we have been doing a bit of remodeling/updating.  My dad wants it to remain like he first remodeled...and that is ok.  I am adding a bit of updated paint colors and trying to decide about painting over off white paneling that is throughout the kitchen and den. 

A lot of memories here.  Good and Bad.  At 49, it is hard to look back and not see regrets....woulda, shoulda, coulda...but I am trying to look to the future and see the possibilities.